Future Thinking with Popcorn

Raizlabs Strategy

Thank You again Team Popcorn!

I appreciate the inspiring conversation, earnest topics, and provocative questions… keep them coming!
My goal for our first session was to learn about how you are leveraging technology and how our team at Raizlabs can help. I hope my message was clear – we are fans of your work and are available any time for quick tech POVs or end-to-endless problem solving.
PROUD UPDATE: At Google’s recent yearly I/O Conference, Google announced that Googleagencyprogrambadge-768x905Raizlabs has been accepted as a Google Certified Agency… So, we are the first and only agency in North America to receive the distinction. We earned this primarily for our experience consistently delivering projects at scale (with millions of users) and excellent user reviews… and maybe because we are so fun to work with… You can read more about it here.
In case anyone asks … Raizlabs is a deep-tech innovation firm that designs and develops custom apps, web platforms, and other cutting-edge software. We have earned the trust of a wide range of organizations from fast-moving startups to evolving Fortune 500 by solving their most difficult challenges.

As promised, below are items from our conversation:
Contact me:  David Cutler at 617-331-7852 david.cutler@raizlabs.com – I’m proud to make my cross industry Linkedin network available.
The Presentation deck:  we only started is here. Contact me for the password.
Data & CRM Platforms: If your super-power is the future, then ours is the software to get us there. Since we have never been given a problem that we could not solve with technology, we can build new solutions or integrate with whatever legacy mess your clients throw at us.
Security and Privacy issues came up a lot. These are a top priority as we stay ahead of the technology that will keep us ahead of the bad guys. The real issues are around the tech architecture that delivers the data that provides the truth. We are looking for enlightened decision-makers that want the truth. We are meeting with you to share this mission.
Responsive vs Native: Another recurring question was, “What is the difference between a mobile-ready Responsive website and a custom native mobile app?” – Lots! here is a post with the start of an answer.
A half dozen additional topics for our next Session:
  • A discussion around our preferred tech categories with trends and leading indicators
  • Specific problem-solving with the latest best-practices or r/evolutionary alternatives that re-frame the root problem
  • Ask us about any category or choose from this list: Mobile Apps, Web platforms, Wearables, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Messaging, Bots, Connected Devices (i.e., Amazon Echo), IoT, Proximity Marketing, Digital Signage, Big/Little Data, …
  • A deep dive into what makes a Great (not just good) Mobile App experience. Get a little inspiration from this Forrester video presentation here.
  • Not “Mobile First”… Customer First (they are just in love with their phones for this era). CIOs and CMOs must align around strategy and tech platforms that meet customers where THEY want. The constant and dynamic goal of customer engagement is to; “Win. Serve. Maintain. Repeat.” Focus less on immediate monetary transactions, and more on actually incorporating preference-mining for relationship transformations
  • Why is it important to launch any tech solution with an MVP? – Minimum (we say Magnificent) Viable Product.
  • FYI: This page is at http://bit.ly/FutureThinkingTech